Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success unit 1 Writing trang 14 15

Nằm trong bộ tài liệu Soạn tiếng Anh 10 Kết nối tri thức theo từng unit, Giải Writing unit 1 Family life trang 14 15 SGK tiếng Anh Global Success 10 bao gồm hướng dẫn giải chi tiết các bài tập giúp các em ôn tập hiệu quả.

Writing about your family routines Viết về hoạt động thường nhật trong gia đình

1. Work in groups. Which of the following activities in the pictures do you think can be family routines?Làm việc nhóm. Bạn nghĩ những hoạt động nào sau đây trong các bức tranh có thể là thói quen sinh hoạt của gia đình?

Gợi ý

The activities can be family routines include:

– having dinner

– watching a game show

– visiting grandparents

– cleaning the house

2. Read Joey’s email about his family routines and complete the table with the information from it.Đọc email của Joey về các thói quen sinh hoạt của gia đình anh ấy và hoàn thành bảng với thông tin từ email đó.

Đáp án

Routine When/ How often Things to do strengthen family bonds
1. have dinner together everyday

– Share daily experiences

– talk about the latest news

2. watch favorite game show on TV together every Friday evening

– Discuss the questions

– guess the answers

3. clean the house together

– once every two weeks

– on Saturday

– make a list of chores

– choose tasks

3. Complete the email about Dong’s family routines using the information in the box. Hoàn thành email về các thói quen sinh hoạt trong gia đình của Đông bằng cách sử dụng thông tin trong hộp.

Gợi ý

To: [email protected]

Subject: My family routines

Hi Joey,

How are you? We’re all doing fine here. You asked me about my family routines. Well, we have a number of routines to help us learn life skills as well as build family bonds. Here are three main ones.

Firstly, my family always have breakfast together. We often eat bread or noodles and share our plan for the day while eating together. Secondly, we watch TV together every Saturday evening. While we watching a film, we often share snacks then we exchange opinions after the film. Thirdly, we visit our grandparents on the second Sunday of the month. When coming to our grandparents’ house, we usually do some housework and have lunch with them. We are always happy together.

What do you think about my family routines?

Please, write back soon and let me know.

Best wishes,


Trên đây là Đáp án tiếng Anh 10 Global Success unit 1 Family life Writing đầy đủ nhất.