Nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng Unit năm 2023 – 2024 hiệu quả, TaiLieuViet.vn đã tổng hợp các tài liệu thành bộ sưu tập Bài tập bổ trợ Unit 1 tiếng Anh lớp 12 Home life có đáp án. Các bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 12 Unit 1 Home life trong bộ sưu tập này sẽ giúp các em học sinh nắm được các kiến thức về từ vựng, ngữ pháp đã được học trong Unit 1 tiếng Anh lớp 12. Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo.

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Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1 có đáp án số 1

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1. a. share b. rare c. are d. declare
2. a. cooks b. loves c. joins d. spends
3. a. advises b. raises c. devises d. goes
4. a. teacher b. children c. chore d. school
5. a. hurry b. under c. pressure d. rush

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.

a. biology

b. biological

c. biologist

d. biologically

7. Are you sure that boys are more _______ than girls?

a. act

b. active

c. action

d. activity

8. It is generally believed that “Men make _______ house and women make _______ home”.

a. Ø/ Ø

b. a/ an

c. the/ the

d. an/ the

9. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a _______ once or twice a week at the hospital.

a. solution

b. night shift

c. household chores

d. special dishes

10. We enjoy _______ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room after a day of working hard.

a. spending

b. caring

c. taking

d. doing

c. join

d. take

12. He is a _______ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate.

a. frank

b. lovely

c. obedient

d. caring

13. Doctors are supposed to _______ responsibility for human life.

a. do

b. take

c. rush

d. join

14. _______ sure that you follow the instructions carefully.

a. Believe

b. Try

c. Do

d. Make

15. Sometimes Mr. Pike has to work very late _______ night to do some important experiments.

a. in

b. at

c. for

d. on

16. Peter was _______ a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me.

a. in

b. on

c. with

d. over

17. It _______ it is parents’ responsibility to take good care of their children.

a. commonly says that

b. commonly to be said that

c. is commonly said that

d. is commonly saying

18. Most children enjoy _______ with their parents and siblings.

a. play

b. to play

c. playing

d. played

19. He studies _______ his two brothers.

a much better than

b. more better than

c. more good than

d. very better than

20. _______ the eldest child, he works hard to help his parents support the family.

a. Be

b. Is

c. To be

d. Being

21. They _______ for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.

a had been running

b. have been running

c. are running

d. will be running

22. No matter what happens next I _______ help you.

a. am

b. have

c. will

d. would

23. I _______ come to the conclusion that nowadays nobody cares about anything.

a. will

b. had

c. do

d. have

24. I assumed you _______ paying for the repairs until the end of last year.

a. have been

b. was been

c. are being

d. had been

25. _______ get tired of answering the same questions every day?

a. Have you ever

b. Had you ever

c. Do you ever

d. Are you ever

26. She _______ working on that manuscript for 2 years now.

a. will be

b. has been

c. had been

d. is

27. I _______ there once a long time ago and _______ back since.

a. went/ have not been

b. go/ am not

c. have gone/ was

d. was going/ had not been

28. She _______ trying to pass her driving test but fails every time.

a. kept

b. is keeping

c. had kept

d. keeps

29. I _______ complete silence now while I try this experiment.

a. am wanting

b. want

c. did want

d. have wanted

30. The students _______ by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they _______ by Mr. Tanzer.

a. are usually taught/ are being taught

b. usually teach/ are teaching

c. have usually been taught/ have been teaching

d. were usually teaching/ are teaching

Error Identification.

31. Stayed (A)strong (B), family members have (C) to be engaged (D) in each other’s lives.

32. Sometimes all it takes (A) is a few minutes to help (B) you and your family members feeling (C) more in touch with (D) each other.

33. Meal time is a great time (A) for family members to talk (B) about that (C)is going (D) on in their lives.

34. Meal time also gives (A) children a chance to learn (B)how (C) some of their favorite dishes making (D).

35. Playing games (A) together is teachable moments to share (B) lessons about sportsmanship, teamwork, perseverance, and to be (C) tolerant of others (D).

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Jean spent her first few years in Hooper and her family moved to Otsego early in her life. She was only ten when her father died unexpectedly, leaving her mother to raise and support their family alone. Her mother soon went to work outside the home to provide for the family, and Jean, being one of the oldest, had to help care for her younger siblings. Although she had much responsibility at home, Jean thoroughly enjoyed school and was an excellent student. She went on to graduate 10th in her class at Otsego High School in 1953.

While still in high school, Jean met a young man named Charles “Chuck” Holly, at a dance in Alamo; and they were quite taken with each other. Over the next few years, their love for each other blossomed and they were married on February 24, 1953, while Jean was still in school. At the time, Chuck was serving his country in the military, and had come home on leave to marry his sweetheart. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, he was sent overseas to serve in Korea for the next fifteen months.

Upon his discharge, the couple settled into married life together in the Plainwell, Otsego area. To help make ends meet, Jean went to work at the collection bureau in Kalamazoo for a while, before taking a job at the cheese company in Otsego. In 1964, Chuck and Jean were overjoyed with the birth of their son, Chuck, who brought great joy into their lives. Jean remembered how her mother was always gone so much working after her father died and she did not want that for her son, so she left her job to devote herself to the role of a mother.

36. Before Jean’s father passed away, her mother used to _______.

a. work outside the home b. be a housewife

c. support the family alone d. work as a secretary

37. Which is not referred to Jean?

a. She was a responsible girl.

b. She never helped her mother with household chores.

c. She often did well at school.

d. She went to high school.

38. Jean’s husband was a _______.

a. teacher b. dancer c. soldier d. servant

39. Jean _______.

a. served in the military

b. lived in Korea for fifteen months

c. had a daughter

d. got married when she was a student

40. Which is not true about Jean?

a. She disliked staying at home and taking care of her child.

b. She worked outside the home before she had a child.

c. She was very happy when she got a baby.

d. She quit her job to look after her baby.

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

There are many reasons (41) _____ taking regular time with our family is important:

It (42) _____ a place to listen, teach,.learn, and (43) _____ ourselves freely and safely.

It provides (44) _____ to discuss family joys, issues, and problems.

Family members can practice skills in a non-threatening (45) _____.

Families are a (46) _____ part of our society and the fabric of our communities – we spend (47) _____ time together to get our feelings (48) _____ belonging, our values, support and understanding.

It helps (49) _____ family members together and feel safe in today’s world where (50) _____ can lead to family disintegration

41. a. that b. why c. when d. which
42. a. creates b. invents c. develops d. makes
43. a. think b. show c. express d. say
44. a. opportunities b. conditions c. situations d. circumstances
45. a. air b. nature c. space d. atmosphere
46. a. attractive b. real c. deep d. basic
47. a. a b. an c. the d. no article
48. a. in b. of c. on d. for
49. a. keep b. keeping c. kept d. with keeping
50. a. push b. press c. pressure d. pull


1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – d 5 – c 6 – a 7 – b 8 – a 9 – b 10 – a
11 – c 12 – d 13 – b 14 – d 15 – b 16 – a 17 – c 18 – c 19 – a 20 – d
21 – a 22 – c 23 – d 24 – d 25 – c 26 – b 27 – a 28 – d 29 – b 30 – a
31 – a 32 – c 33 – c 34 – d 35 – c 36 – b 37 – b 38 – c 39 – d 40 – a
41 – b 42 – a 43 – c 44 – a 45 – d 46 – d 47 – d 48 – b 49 – a 50 – c

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 1 Home life có đáp án số 2

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1. a. hospital b. mischievous c. supportive d. special

2. a. family b. whenever c. obedient d. solution

3. a. biologist b. generally c. responsible d. security

4. a. confident b. important c. together d. exciting

5. a. possible. b. university c. secondary d. suitable

Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one.

6. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.

a. responsible

b. responsibility

c. responsibly

d. irresponsible

7. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.

a. solve

b. solvable

c. solutions

d. solvability

8. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. no article

9. According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.

a. supportive

b. caring

c. suitable

d. comfortable

10. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.

a. came into

b. went leisurely

c. went quickly

d. dropped by

11. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.

a. help

b. prepared

c. be busy

d. attempt

12. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.

a. happen

b. encounter

c. arrive

d. clean

13. What are the _______ of that country? – I think it is some kinds of cheese and sauces.

a. drinks

b. beverages

c. grains

d. special dishes

14. Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.

a. try

b. attempt

c. doing

d. aim

15. Where is Jimmy? – He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.

a. on/ for

b. in/ about

c. to/ through

d. at/ with

16. With greatly increased workloads, everyone is _______ pressure now.

a. under

b. above

c. upon

d. out of

17. We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.

a. wear

b. to wear

c. wearing

d. worn

18. Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles.

a. talk

b. to talk

c. talking

d. talked

19. The worker was _______ his boss expected, so he was offered a raise.

a. more hard-working

b. as hard-working than

c. more hard-working than

d. more hard-working as

20. John _______ a respectful and obedient student.

a. said to be

b. is said

c. is said being

d. is said to be

21. I love _______ films but I seldom find time to go the cinema.

a. see

b. saw

c. seen

d. seeing

22. In the last hundred years, traveling _______ much easier and more comfortable.

a. becomes

b. has become

c. became

d. will become

23. In the 19th century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.

a. took

b. had taken

c. had taken

d. was taking

24. In the past the trip _______ very rough and often dangerous, but things _______ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.

a. was / have changed

b. is / change

c. had been / will change

d. has been / changed

25. Now you _______ from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

a. are flying

b. would fly

c. will fly

d. can fly

26. When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television.

a. was calling / watched

b. called / have watched

c. called / was watching

d. had called / watched

27. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies.

a. completes

b. will complete

c. are completing

d. will have completed

28. Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner.

a. reads / has cooked

b. is reading / is cooking

c. has read / was cooking

d. read / will be cooking

29. Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She _______ and he the Newspaper.

a. are doing / is cooking / is reading

b. were doing / was cooking / was reading

c. was doing / has cooked / is reading

d. had done / was cooking /read

30. When I _______ home last night, I _______ that Jane _______ a beautiful candlelight dinner.

a. had arrived / discovered / prepared

b. was arriving / had discovered / was preparing

c. have arrived / was discovering / had prepared

d. arrived / discovered / was preparing

Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

31. They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.

a. Their parents do not want them to go out in the evening.

b. Their parents never let them to go out in the evening.

c. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.

d. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.

32. Although my parents are busy at work, they try to find time for their children.

a. My parents are so busy at work that they cannot find time for their children.

b. Busy at work as my parents are, they try to find time for their children.

c. My parents are too busy at work to find time for their children.

d. My friends rarely have time for their children because they are busy at work.

33. His eel soup is better than any other soups I have ever eaten.

a. Of all the soups I have ever eaten, his eel soup is the best.

b. I have ever eaten many soups that are better than his eel soup.

c. His eel soup is the worst of all soups I have eaten.

d. His eel soup is good but I have ever eaten many others better.

34. She gets up early to prepare breakfast so that her children can come to school on time.

a. Despite her getting up early to prepare breakfast, her children cannot come to school on time.

b. Because she wanted her children to come to school on time, she gets up early to prepare

c. If she does not get up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on time.

d. Unless she gets up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school on.

35. The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.

a. I have not been to the museum for a year.

b. A year ago, I often went to the museum.

c. My going to the museum lasted a year.

d. At last I went to the museum after a year.

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Every family has its quirks. Mine is no different. I was born in an Italian- American family in 1973. We follow the classic stereotype. My father works and my mother stays home with the kids. There are certain things that we remember from our childhood: phrases, jokes, movies. But one piece of advice that sticks with me from an early age comes from my mother.

“Don’t finish your food or you will never get married.” It was an illogical jump from the idea that a
“lady” is not a glutton and therefore will not finish the food on her plate or take the last cookie off of the platter. A “lady” especially a young lady must never appear hungry. If she did, she would not be an ideal candidate for a wife.

To this day, I do not finish what is on my plate and I will never eat the last of anything.
It is not a conscience thing. When 1 think about it, 1 make a point to finish the food on my plate, there is still some teenage rebellion against mom in this thirty-four year-old body, but the thought of not finishing is so ingrained that I rarely think about it.

When my husband and I are at dinner, he will gesture to something on the table and say, “Finish your food” and 1 will respond, “I can’t, I’ll never get married.” That always makes him laugh and say, “So what have these last six years been?” But for me it is something special that I will carry around with me – something that is my family. My brother remembers the phrase and he admits that in his dating days he did watch to see if any of the girls would take the last piece of pie or pizza. I think he fell in love with his fiancé because she would eat whatever she wanted to and do not worry about anyone judging her for it. As I embark on starting my own family, I wonder what I will tell my daughter. Will I encourage her to finish every last piece? Or will I continue to the legacy of my mother and tell her not eat the last piece lest she not get married? Will she one day laugh to her girlfriends about her mother leaving one granola bar, one piece of cheese, or one rice cake alone in their bags?

36. The writer’s mother never let her eat the last piece of food on her plate.

a. True

b. False

c. No information

37. All the mothers in the world never let their daughter eat the last piece of food on their plate.

a. True

b. False

c. No information

38. The writer often eats up all she has on her Plate and up to now she is still single.

a. True

b. False

c. No information

39. The writer does not believe in what her mother has said but she considers her mother’s words something special.

a. True

b. False

c. No information

40. The writer has two sons.

a. True

b. False

c. No information

Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

On December 10, 2006, I was going through some hard time. The landlady did not want to release the house any more so I had to (41) _____ and only had one month to find a place. Because Christmas was coming and it was difficult for me to (42) _____ a suitable accommodation. I had only some money (43) _____. I could not buy a Christmas tree and some presents for my three boys, (44) _____ I had to use the money to find a place to live. Tome, it broke my heart as I could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys. I have been their only parent since my husband (45) _____ away two years ago. I was so sad and everything was getting on my nerves. Although I managed to solve the problem myself I could not help (46) _____ my sons about the things. When I suddenly woke up at midnight, I found my eldest son was sitting (47) _____me. He kissed me and said, “Don’t worry, Mum. We love you very much and always stand by you (48) ____ happens.” At the moment I started weeping, grabbed him and kissed him. His words and love made me (49) _____ all about what I was stressing about.

In fact ever since that moment, I have realized that I can overcome any problems thanks to my sons’ love. The most important thing of my life is that my boys are safe and healthy, and they bring me joy all the time. The memory (50) _____ me that nothing really matters, when I have the love of my children.

41. a. transfer b. convert c. move d. change

42. a. notice b. watch c. find d. see

43. a. leave b. to leave c. leaving d. left

44. a. because b. although c. as though d. if

45. a. passes b. passed c. has passed d. was passing

46. a. tell b. to tell c. told d. telling

47. a. by b. next c. over d. up

48. a. whenever b. whatever c. whoever d. however

49. a. forget b. to forget c. forgot d. forgetting

50. a. remembers b. minds c. reminds d. misses


1 – c 2 – a 3 – b 4 – a 5 – b 6 – b 7 – c 8 – c 9 – c 10 – c
11 – a 12 – a 13 – d 14 – b 15 – d 16 – a 17 – b 18  – c 19 – c 20 – d
21 – d 22 – b 23 – a 24 – a 25 – d 26 – c 27 – d 28 – b 29 – b 30 – d
31 – b 32 – b 33 – a 34 – b 35 – a 36 – a 37 – b 38 – b 39 – a 40 – c
41 – c 42 – c 43 – d 44 – a 45 – b 46 – d 47 – a 48 – b 49 – a 50 – c

Bài tập tiếng Anh 12 Unit 1 Home life có đáp án số 3


1. a. diagnose b. achievement c. talented d. anonymous
2. a. prosthetic b. reputation c. dedication d. respectable
3. a. distinguished b. result c. generosity d. respectable
4. a. waver b. reputation c. creativity d. character
5. a. perseverance b. generosity c. talented d. judgement
6. a. congestion b. ambition c. influential d. reputation
7. a. perseverance b. experience c. dedication d. influential
8. a. generosity b. hospitality c. encyclopedia d. creativity
9. a. celebrity b. charitable c. anonymous d. respectable
10. a. overcome b. incident c. dedicate d. currently


11. Before passing away, President Ho Chi Minh left the Vietnamese people with the ___ Testament (chúc thư).

a. important

b. essential

c. historic

d. historical

12. Her ___ to medicine was so great that she had little time for anything else.

a. importance

b. dedication

c. emphasis

d. reputation

13. Tran Hung Dao was a great ___ to lure the enemy to enter deeply into his land, then attacked to destroy them.

a. strategy

b. strategist

c. soldier

d. king

14. In spite of having a peasant ___, Nguyen Hue had proved that he was really an excellent general, only gained victories.

a. situation

b. experience

c. condition

d. background

15. In 1921, Phan Boi Chau studied socialism and the Soviet Union in ___ assistance from the Soviet Union or socialist groups.

a. hope to gain

b. hope of gaining

c. the hope of gaining

d. the hope to gain

16. Bill Gate’s ___ in donating large sums of money towards welfare activities is remarkable.

a. generosity

b. politeness

c. wealth

d. talent

17. Nguyen Hue invited ___ scholars at that time: Nguyen Thiep, Tran Van Ky, and Ngo Thoi Nham.

a. ɸ

b. that

c. some

d. the

18. At first, Microsoft had ___ hyphen in the name “Micro-soft”, combination of microcomputer and ___ software.

a. a-the-a

b. a-a- ɸ

c. the-the- ɸ

d. ɸ-a-the

19. Dr. Jane Luu ___ the huge telescope at the University of Hawaii while she ___ for any bodies beyond Neptune.

a. was using-searched

b. used-had searched

c. used-was searching

d. had used-searched

20. I first met her four years ago when we ___ at a middle school.

a. had been studying

b. are studying

c. have been studying

d. were studying

Bài tập tiếng Anh unit 1 lớp 12 Home life có đáp án số 4


Exercise 1. Mark the letter A. B. C or D to indicate the word or phrase which does not containthe same sound as the other three.

1. A. aid

B. aide

C. add

D. ade

2. A. aisle

B. all

C. isle

D. I’ll

3. A. they’re

B. their

C. there

D. the

4. A. bus

B. by

C. bye

D. buy

5. A. carrot

B. carat

C. carries

D. caret

6. A. sense

B. sent

C. scents

D. cents

7. A. does

B. doze

C. doughs

D. dust

8. A. form

B. four

C. fore

D. for

9. A. praise

B. prays

C. prize

D. preys

10. A. cite

B. site

C. sink

D. sight


Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the followingquestions.

11. Martin Luther King devoted his life to the ____ of voting right for black people.

A. effort

B. realization

C. achievement

D. performance

12. His father used to be a____ professor at the university. Many students worshipped him..

A. distinct

B. distinctive

C. distinguishing

D. distinguished

13. Mark Zuckerberg’s enormous success has taken a lot of hardwork and ____.

A. indifference

B. dedication

C. loyalty

D. reputation

14. I can’t believe she didn’t do anything for the company. I will____ and be in charge.

A. take over

B. take on

C. take up

D. take in

15. During the Medieval period, people were made public____ of being witches.

A. complaint

B. criminal

C. trouble

D. accusation

Bài tập unit 1 tiếng Anh 12 Home life có đáp án số 5

Write these sentences using subject and object pronouns instead of the underlined words

1. John and I saw Peter yesterday. He bought John and me a cup of coffee.


2. David and Mike are arriving today. I’m meeting David and Mike at the station


3. I’m looking for Mary . Have you seen Mary ? Mary isn’t at home


4. Peter and I saw a film called The Tiger yesterday. Have you seen The Tiger ?


5. Come to the swimming pool with Joanna and me . Joanna and I are leaving now


Write the questions to which the underlined words are the answers:

1. I was born in 1980


2. My father was born in Quang Nam


3. My address is 3 Le Loi street


4. It’s very hot in HCM in March


5. It takes two hours to ride to Vung Tau by motorbike


Bài tập tiếng Anh unit 1 Home life lớp 12 số 6

Exercise 1: Hãy chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất:

1. My mother works _______a nurse in a big hospital. She examines the patients.

A. for

B. as

C. in

D. at

2. She had to work on _______last night, so she is very tired this morning.

A. the roof

B. the table

C. the bed

D. night shift

3. My father is very busy with his work at the office. He usually comes home very _______at night.

A. late

B. early

C. on time

D. past

4. My mother _______very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast.

A. cries

B. sleeps

C. gets up

D. stays up

5. My mother is a _______woman. She does all the household chores to make us more

A. caring

B. careless

C. harmful

D. boring

6. In my free-time, I often help mom with _______the house.

A. to clean

B. clean

C. cleaning

D. cleans

7. I take responsibility to _______my little brothers because they are sometimes very

A. look after

B. get up

C. sit down

D. shut up

8. My responsibility is to wash dishes and _______the garbage.

A. take off

B. take out

C. take care of

D. take over

9. My brothers love joining my dad in _______things around the house at weekends.

A. mend

B. mended

C. to mend

D. mending

10.Whenever problems come up, we discuss frankly and find _______quickly.

A. solve

B. solution

C. solved

D. to solve

11.Mai is my closest friend. We are always willing to _______feelings to each other.

A. tear

B. cut

C. share

D. shake

12.My family is the base from which we can go into the world with _______.

A. confide

B. confidence

C. confident

D. confiding

13.I like doing _______such as cooking, washing and cleaning the house.

A. house-keeper

B. white house

C. lord of house

D. household chores

14.My father is a _______He often does researches with animals and plants.

A. botanist

B. biologist

C. chemist

D. mathematician

15.In my family, both my parents _______to give us a nice house and a happy home.

A. join hands

B. get out

C. shake hands

D. clutch hands

16.My brothers are often very _______to what I say. They are really lovable.

A. obey

B. obedience

C. obedient

D. obstacle

17.Unlike most men, my uncle likes _______very much. I like his eel soup very much.

A. having a shower

B. drinking beer

C. playing cards

D. cooking

18.My responsibility is to _______my little brothers.

A. take care of

B. join hands

C. take over

D. work together

19.Although my father is very busy, he tries _______much time taking care of his children.

A. to spend

B. spending

C. to get up

D. getting up

20.My father is very helpful. He is always _______give a hand with cleaning the house.

A. will to

B. will

C. willing

D. willing to

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