Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 Unit 14 International Organizations có đáp án

Bài tập Unit 14 International Organizations lớp 12 có đáp án là tài liệu ôn thi tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng Unit dành cho các em học sinh ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức Từ vựng – Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh unit 14 hiệu quả. Sau đây mời các em cùng luyện tập nhé!

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest:

1. A. catastrophe B. trophy C. notify D. recipe /’resәpi/

2. A. famine B. determine C. mineral D. miner

3. A. mission B. revision C. division D. collision

Circle the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others:

4. A. inhabitant B. interpreter C. imitation D. initiate

5. A. stimulate B. sharpener C. festival D. disaster

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence:

6. Failure to win the championship will _______in the dismissal of the coach. {trainer}

A. result B. happen C. affect D. cause

7. He tried to_______to everyone to support him.

A. make B. appeal C. persuade D. advise

8. There was a hold-up on the road because a bridge had been_______away by the flood.

A. washed B. flowed C. blown D. destroyed

9. He_______his life to helping the poor.

A. spent B. experienced C. dedicated D. used

10. The Red Cross is a organization whose purpose is to help people in war time and _______ disasters.

A. commercial B. political C. military D. humanitarian

11. She got angry when they started to_______ her private life.

A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire with

12. She ran in a marathon last week but_______ after ten kilometers. {withdraw}

A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up

13. Gertrude takes_______ her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair, too.

A. in B. up C. after D. down

14. It took him a long time to _______the death of his wife. {recover}

A. take away B. get over C. take off D. get through

15. There were so many kinds of cameras_______, and I didn’t know which to buy.

A. to choose B. choosing from C. chosen D. to choose from

16. Billy hasn’t been working; he won’t_______ his examinations.

A. get off B. get through C. keep up D. keep off

17. They arrived_______ the airport_______ good time for the plane.

19. Paula applied for the post but she was_______

A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed ahead

20. If orders keep coming in like this, I’ll have to_______more staff. {employ}

A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on

21. Why do they_______talking about money all the time?

A. keep on B. side with C. take after D. work off

22. In addition to Mr. Thomas and Miss White, the principal_______attend the school party.

A. is likely B. is going to C. are likely D. are going to

23. “Can I help you?” ” _______”

A. At two o’clock. B. I can help you C. No, I don’t. D. Yes, please.

24. My uncle _______until he was fifty.

A. married B. didn’t marry C. would marry D. was not marrying

25. She could do nothing_______complain about the weather all day.

A. but B. for C. about D. with

26. If a book is really_______, it will certainly_______the reader.

A. interesting/ interest B. interests/ interest

C. interested/ interesting D. interests/ interested

27. Cigarette smoking can _______a loss of appetite.

A. cure B. release C. cause D. treat

28. In this case, I think _______nothing.

A. it is better to say B. it be better to say

C. better” to say D. better for saying

29. Mark, I don’t think you_______Carol, the new department typist.

A. meeting B. having met C. to have met D. have met

30. The ________ is an international organization that aims to fight and control disease.

A. World Health Organization B. Word Health Organization

C. World Healthy Organization D. World Health Organism

31. He felt _________ when he failed the exams the second time.

A. discouraged B. discouraging C. encouraged D. encourage

32. He set out soon after dark_______home an hour later.

A. to arrive B. and arrived

C. in order to arriving D. so that arrived

33. I’d rather you_______anyone else about our plan.

A. not tell B. didn’t tell C. not to tell D. don’t tell

34. Tell the police the truth _______you’ll be in trouble!

A. if B. unless C. when D. or

35. According to this schedule, the next train_______in ten minutes.

A. leave B. leaves C. left D. leaving

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

36. That the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter.

A. lose B. a C. are D. their

37. One of the most popular holiday is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in November.

A. holiday B. the most C. is D. in

38. Would you mind not to smoke on the bus? It disturbs other people.

A. other B. not C. to smoke D. disturbs

39. The length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads.

A. length B. how C. will D. are the roads

40. William Samuel Johnson, who helped write the Constitution, become the first president of Columbia University in 1787.

A. become B. write C. who D. the first

Choose the best answers the question:

UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. We have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots [basic] level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. That makes us unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young.

We believe that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones [basis] of human progress. UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination [unfair treatment] place in a child’s path. We believe that we can, together, advance the cause of humanity.

We advocate [support] for measures to give children the best start in life, because proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person’s future.

We promote girls’ education – ensuring that they complete primary education as a minimum – because it benefits all children, both girls and boys. Girls who are educated grow up to become better thinkers, better citizens, and better parents to their own children.

We act so that all children are immunized [miễn dịch] against common childhood diseases, and are well nourished, because it is wrong for a child to suffer or die from a preventable illness.
We work to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among young people because it is right to keep them from harm and enable them to protect others. We help children and families affected by HIV/AIDS to live their lives with dignity. [nhân phẩm]

We involve everyone in creating protective environments for children. We are present to relieve suffering during emergencies, and wherever children are threatened, because no child should be exposed to violence, abuse [inhuman treatment] or

UNICEF upholds [stand up for] the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We work to assure equality for those who are discriminated against, girls and women in particular. We work for the Millennium Development Goals and for the progress promised in the United Nations Charter.[hiến chương] We strive [struggle] for peace and security. We work to hold everyone accountable to responsible for] the promises made for children.

We are part of the Global Movement for Children – a broad coalition[union]dedicated to improving the life of every child. Through this movement, and events such as the United Nations Special Session [meeting]on Children, we encourage young people to speak out and participate in the decisions that affect their lives.

We work in 190 countries through country programmes and National Committees. We are UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

41. What does UNICEF stand for?

A. The United National Children’s Fund

B. The United Nations Child’s Fund

C. The United Nations Children’s Fund

D. The United Native Child’s Fund.

42. The word unique paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. honorable B. only one C. widespread D. good

43. Choose the word in the passage that means “the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairy than others”‘

A. Discrimination B. Poverty C. Disease D. Citizen

44. They work to prevent the spread of _______among young people

A. flue B. cold C. stomach-ache D. HIV/AIDS

45. How many countries does UNICEF work in?

A. 23 B. 190 C. 192 D. 52

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