Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 unit 2 Human and The Environment có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ bài tập tiếng Anh 10 Global Success theo từng unit, bài tập tiếng Anh unit 2 lớp 10 Human and The Environment có đáp án được biên tập bám sát chương trình SGK tiếng Anh 10 kết nối tri thức giúp các em học sinh lớp 10 ôn tập Từ vựng – Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trọng tâm.

Choose the correct answer.

1. I completely forgot about this report. Give me a minute, I………..do it now.

a. will

b. am going

c. is going to

2. Tonight, I……stay home. I’ve borrowed some books.

a. am going to

b. will

c. a and b

3. I feel tired. I…………sick

a. am going to be

b. will be

c. a và b

4. If any problems arise, feel free to ask me. I….help you

a. will

b. am going to

c. a và b

5. Where are you going?

a. I’m going to see a friend

b. I’ll see a friend

c. I went to a friend

6. That’s the phone./ I….answer it

a. will

b. am going to

c. a và b

7. Look at those black clouds. It….now

a. will rain

b. is going to rain

c. is raining

8. Tea or coffee?

a. I’m going to drink tea, please

b. I’ll have tea, please

b. will

c. a và b

10. The weather forecast girl says it…….rain tomorrow

a. is going to

b. will

c. a và b

Rewrite the sentence into passive voice.

1. We pointed a new marketing manager.

2. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday .

3. She showed her ticket to the airline agent.

4. He hides the broken cup in the drawer.

5. People speak English all over the world.

6. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.

7. Children don’t clean their bedrooms every day.

8. Mary eats a loaf of bread every morning.

There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1. A new school is going to be build in the neighbourhood next year.

2. This kind of bird is only founded in remote places in Scotland.

3. The wildlife park is visit each day by hundreds of people.

4. People should avoid using products which make from plastic.

5. Students are instruct on how to recycle the used items in their homes.

6. Look at those black clouds. It will rain.

7. A: Why are you wearing your best suit ?

B: I will have an interview this afternoon.

8. Animals should not be use for the benefits of human beings.


Choose the correct answer.

1 – a; 2 – a; 3 – a; 4 – a; 5 – a;

6 – a; 7 – b; 8 – b; 9 – b; 10 – a;

Rewrite the sentence into passive voice.

1 – A new marketing manager was pointed.

2 – A lot of money is spent on advertising everyday .

3 – Her ticket was showed to the airline agent.

4 – The broken cup is hidden in the drawer.

5 – English is spoken all over the world.

6 – The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877.

7 – Children’s bedrooms aren’t cleaned every day.

8 – A loaf of bread is eaten by Mary every morning.

There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1 – build sửa thành built

2 – founded sửa thành found

3 – visit sửa thành visited

4 – make sửa thành are made

5 – instruct sửa thành instructed

6 – will sửa thành is going to

7 – will sửa thành am going to

8 – use sửa thành used

Trên đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh 10 kết nối tri thức Unit 2 Human and The Environment có đáp án. TaiLieuViet.vn hy vọng rằng bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 unit 2 có đáp án giúp các em ôn tập hiệu quả.