Ôn tập Phrasal Verb có đáp án

Bài tập Phrasal Verb lớp 9 do TaiLieuViet.vn tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm phổ biến bám sát ngữ pháp trong Tiếng Anh 9 mới đi kèm đáp án.

Bài tập Phrasal Verb lớp 9

Bản quyền thuộc về TaiLieuViet nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

I/ Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D

1. Why did you decide to take (on/up) skiing ?

2. Remember to warm (up/down) carefully before you play sports.

3. There’s no need to dress ( up / down). It is just an informal party.

4. Have you work (out / in) the solution yet ?

5. Oops, I think we’re run out (of/on) petrol.

6. Jim seems not to get (on/off) well with his classmates.

7. My husband has decided to set (up/down) a business on his own.

8. Do you think Jame will find (out/ up) the truth ?

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1. Why did you decide to take (on/up) skiing ?

2. Remember to warm (up/down) carefully before you play sports.

3. There’s no need to dress ( up / down). It is just an informal party.

4. Have you work (out / in) the solution yet ?

5. Oops, I think we’re run out (of/ on) petrol.

6. Jim seems not to get (on/off) well with his classmates.

7. My husband has decided to set (up/down) a business on his own.

8. Do you think Jame will find (out/ up) the truth ?

II/ Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box

live on

look through

pass down

set off

turn down

close down

come back

deal with

get up

keep up with

1. They offered her a trip to Europe but she it __________ .

2. He has __________the report and found nothing interesting.

3. Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to __________ him.

4. These traditional stories have been __________ from parents to children over many generations.

5. My sister is an early bird. She __________ at 7 o’clock every day of the week.

6. We’ll __________ for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock.

7. When I was a student, I __________ small allowances from my parents.

8. The government must now __________ the preservation of traditional craft villages.

9. The banks have __________ a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.

10. Many foreign tourists decided to __________ Viet Nam for another holiday.

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1. They offered her a trip to Europe but she turned it ___down_____.

2. He has ______looked through________ the report and found nothing interesting.

3. Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to _____keep up with_________ him.

4. These traditional stories have been ________passed down______ from parents to children over many generations.

5. My sister is an early bird. She ______gets up________ at 7 o’clock every day of the week.

6. We’ll _______set off_______ for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock.

7. When I was a student, I ______lived on________ small allowances from my parents.

8. The government must now ______deal with________ the preservation of traditional craft villages.

9. The banks have ______closed down________ a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.

10. Many foreign tourists decided to _____come back_________ Viet Nam for another holiday.

III/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.

1. Where did you find out about Disneyland Resort? (get)

=> Where _______________________________?

2. When did you get up this morning? (out of)

=> When _______________________________?

=> They’re _______________________________?

5. I’m looking forward to the weekend. (thinking)

=> I’m _______________________________

6. The group plans to establish an import business. (SET)

=> The group plans to ___________________

7. The product quickly made an impact on the market. (INFLUENCE)

=> The product quickly ___________________

8. Jonah had obviously made an effort to put on smart clothes for the occasion. (UP)

=> Jonah had obviously made an effort to ___________

9. There have been many challenges for the development of traditional handicrafts in Vietnam. (face up to)


10. He is going to be responsible for his family business because his parents are very old now. (take charge of)


11. Most people in this village earn their living by making traditional handicrafts. (live on)


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1. Where did you get the information about Disneyland Resort?

2. What time did you get out of bed this morning?

3. I’ll read this leaflet to see what activities are organized at this attraction.

4. They’re going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam.

5. I’m thinking with pleasure about the weekend.

6. The group plans to set up an import business

7. The product quickly had an influence on the market

8. Jonah had obviously made an effort to dress up smart clothes for the occasion

9. The development of traditional handicrafts in Vietnam has faced up to many challenges.

10. He is going to take charge of his family business because his parents are very old now.

11. Most people in this village live on making traditional handicrafts.

IV/ Complete these dialogues, using phrasal verbs with “come”

1. Anne: We lost everybody’s e mail address and had to start all over again

Ken: Really? How did that ……………………………………..?

Anne: Oh, it was some computer virus

2. Rick: David keeps saying he’s going to sail around the world

Ivan: Huh! Do you think it will ever …………………………..?

Rick: Probably not. He’s such a dreamer

3. Brian: We’ll let you know what we decide. We’ll phone you

Fran: When do you think you’ll ……………………………….?

Brian: Probably at the meeting on Friday

4. Olga: I thought you were coming to the dinner last night

Ulla: Yes, I was intending to, but right at the last time something ….…………………….

Olga: Oh, I see. Well, you must come next time.

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1. Anne: We lost everybody’s e mail address and had to start all over again

Ken: Really? How did that ……………come about………………………..?

Anne: Oh, it was some computer virus

2. Rick: David keeps saying he’s going to sail around the world

Ivan: Huh! Do you think it will ever …………come off………………..?

Rick: Probably not. He’s such a dreamer

3. Brian: We’ll let you know what we decide. We’ll phone you

Fran: When do you think you’ll ……………come to decision………………….?

Brian: Probably at the meeting on Friday

4. Olga: I thought you were coming to the dinner last night

Ulla: Yes, I was intending to, but right at the last time something ….……came up……………….

Olga: Oh, I see. Well, you must come next time.

V. Complete the sentences and the text below with these phrasal verbs

pig out

build up

tire out

put on

keep up

put on

work out

burn off

stretch out

1. Resistance exercises (e.g weight lifting) can help to _____________ your muscles.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger must _____________ a lot to maintain his physique.

3. I go to aerobics to _____________ the calories I _____________ at the weekend.

4. I always feel guilty after I _____________ at the Chinese restaurant.

5. Yoga helps to _____________ my muscle.

6. You should _____________ before you exercise or you might do your muscles in.

7. I think I ate too much at Christmas. I’ve _____________ two kilograms.

8. I’ll never go to a circuits class again. The last one nearly did me in. The other people were really fit so I struggled to _____________.

9. Just the thought of exercise _____________.

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1. Resistance exercises (e.g weight lifting) can help to ____build up_________ your muscles.

(build up = increase)

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger must ______work out_______ a lot to maintain his physique. (work out = exercise)

3. I go to aerobics to ______burn off_______ the calories I _______put on______ at the weekend. (burn off = eliminate)

4. I always feel guilty after I _____pig out________ at the Chinese restaurant. (pig out = eat a lot)

5. Yoga helps to _____stretch out________ my muscle. (stretch out = stretch)

6. You should ______warm up_______ before you exercise or you might do your muscles in. (warm up = warm muscles before exercise)

7. I think I ate too much at Christmas. I’ve ______put on_______ two kilograms. (put on = increase (weight))

8. I’ll never go to a circuits class again. The last one nearly did me in. The other people were really fit so I struggled to _______keep up______. (keep up = maintain the same speed as others)

9. Just the thought of exercise ______tires me out_______. (tire out = exhaust)

VI/ Choose the correct answer

1. Lucas is on the other phone — would you like to hang ___________?

a) up

b) down

c) on

2. I can barely make ___________ what you are saying. Please speak louder.

a) out

b) back

c) on

3. Please help me sit ___________. I want to read for a while.

a) on

b) out

c) up

4. Could you please pick me ___________ after school?

a) on

b) up

c) down

5. Don’t stand there! Sit ___________!

a) down

b) on

c) out

6. Every Friday, I hang ___________at the bar with my colleagues.

a) out

b) on

c) back

7. The U.S. market makes ___________ 40 percent of our profit.

a) down

b) out

c) up

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1. c

2. a

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. c

VII/ Choose the correct answers: synonym

1. If you don’t pay your rent, your landlord is going to kick you out!

A. lend you some money

B. play football with you

C. give you a kick

D. force you to leave

2. Yesterday I ran into Sam at the grocery store. I had not seen him for years

A. met

B. visited

C. said goodbye to

D. made friends with

3. Let’s go over that report again before we submit it.

A. dictate

B. print

C. read carefully

D. type

4. I will not stand for your bad attitude any longer.

A. like

B. tolerate

C. mean

D. care

5. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.

A. Look out

B. Look up

C. Look on

D. Look after

6. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death

A. turn off

B. take on

C. get over

D. keep up with

7. I am tired because I went to bed late last night.

A. stayed up

B. kept off

C. put out

D. brought up

8. Did your son pass the unversity entrance examination?

A. make up

B. get along

C. go up

D. get through

9. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along

B. count on

C. keep away

D. turn up

10. They decided to postpone their journey till the end off the month because off the epidemic.

A. take up

B. turn round

C. put off

D. do with

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1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. C

VII/ Choose the right answer a, b or c.

1. If you run after someone, you’re trying to

a) escape from them

b) follow their example

c) catch them

2. If you run out of bread, you need to

a) paint it

b) use it up

c) get some more

3. If you run into your old friend, you meet him

a) by chance

b) at your birthday party

c) at his wedding

4. If Dave often runs his boss down, he

a) praises him a lot

b) criticizes him

c) runs in the park with him

5. If Mrs. Fry managed to take time to run John in, she

a) hid him in her house

b) had a cup of tea with him

c) told the police where he was

6. If Helen runs through the piece one more time, she

a) rewrites her words

b) repeats her words

c) doesn’t read her words

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1. c

2. c

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. b

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