Các dạng so sánh trong Tiếng Anh và bài tập

Bài tập câu so sánh lớp 9 do TaiLieuViet.vn tự biên soạn và đăng tải dưới đây tổng hợp các dạng bài tập bám sát chương trình của Bộ GD&ĐT, là tài liệu luyện tập hữu ích giúp học sinh lớp 9 học tập tốt hơn. Mời các em thao khảo bài sau đây.

Bài tập câu so sánh lớp 9

Bản quyền thuộc về TaiLieuViet nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại

I/ Lý thuyết

1. So sánh hơn

a. Đối với tính từ ngắn, trạng từ ngắn (tức là chỉ có một âm tiết)

– Cấu trúc: adj/ adv + ER + than

– Ví dụ: Lan runs faster than me

b. Đối với tính từ dài, trạng từ dài (tức là có hai âm tiết trở lên)

– Cấu trúc: more + adi/ adv + than

– Ví dụ: He is more handsome than his brother.

2. So sánh nhất:

a. Đối với tính từ ngắn, trạng từ ngắn (tức là chỉ có một âm tiết)

– Cấu trúc: the + adj/ adv + EST + than

– Ví dụ: She is the smartest student in her class

b. Đối với tính từ dài, trạng từ dài (tức là có hai âm tiết trở lên)

– Cấu trúc: the most + adj/ adv + than

– Ví dụ: This is the most difficult lesson in the book

3. Lưu ý

a. Các trường hợp đặc biệt

So sánh hơn

So sánh hơn nhất

Good/ well (tốt)



Bad/ badly (xấu)



Many/ much (nhiều)



Little (ít)



Far (xa)



b. Cách thêm “er” vào sau tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn

– Những tính từ/ trạng từ tận cùng là “e” thì thêm “r”

Ví dụ: late => later

– Những tính từ/ trạng từ tận cùng là “y” thì bỏ “y” thêm “ier”

Ví dụ: happy => happier

– Những tính từ/ trạng có 1 âm tiết, tận cùng là một phụ âm mà trước nó là một nguyên âm thì nhân đôi phụ âm thêm “er”

Ví dụ: hot => hotter

– Những trường hợp còn lại thêm “er” bình thường.

II/ Bài tập vận dụng

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence

4. David is the (happier/ happiest) _________ person that we know.

5. The museum is (the father/ the farthest) _________ away of the three buildings.

Xem đáp án

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one _____the best____ (best/ the best).

2. John is (less/ the least) ___the least______ energetic of all the men.

3. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) ____prettier_____ of the two.

4. David is the (happier/ happiest) ____happiest_____ person that we know.

5. The museum is (the father/ the farthest) _____the farthest____ away of the three buildings.

Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives or superlatives. Add “the” where necessary.

1. This is (good) _________food I’ve ever eaten in this country

2. Ha Noi is amongst (polluted) ______________ city in the world.

3. I wish that my house was (spacious)____________________.

4. Admittedly, I anticipated a (good)______________performance of yours. You didn’t prepare well for this, did you?

5. This is not (expensive)__________________car in the showroom. There are many other cars at higher cost.

6. Nam’s house is (far) _____________ from the city center than my house.

7. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) ______________ than ever before.

8. Ha Noi is much (populous) ______________ than my hometown.

9. The city center is (densely) _____________popolated than the suburbs.

10. You can count on Peter. He is ( reliable) _________________ than he appears to be.

11. This singer performs (well) ___________ than she used to be three years ago.

12. This year we travel (far) ______________ than we did last year.

13. I notice that today my daughter looked (happy) ___________ than usual.

14. As people gets old, they try to maitain a ( healthy) _______________ lifestyle than when they are young.

15. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ____________ than travelling by bullet train.

Xem đáp án

1. This is (good) ____the best_____food I’ve ever eaten in this country

2. Ha Noi is amongst (polluted) ______the most polluted________ city in the world.

3. I wish that my house was (spacious)_________more spacious___________.

4. Admittedly, I anticipated a (good)______better________performance of yours. You didn’t prepare well for this, did you?

5. This is not (expensive)_________the most expensive_________car in the showroom. There are many other cars at higher cost.

6. Nam’s house is (far) ______farther_______ from the city center than my house.

7. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) _______faster_______ than ever before.

8. Ha Noi is much (populous) _____more populous_________ than my hometown.

9. The city center is (densely) ______more densely_______popolated than the suburbs.

10. You can count on Peter. He is ( reliable) ________more reliable_________ than he appears to be.

11. This singer performs (well) ____better_______ than she used to be three years ago.

12. This year we travel (far) ________further______ than we did last year.

13. I notice that today my daughter looked (happy) _____happier______ than usual.

14. As people gets old, they try to maitain a ( healthy) _______healthier________ lifestyle than when they are young.

15. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ______slower______ than travelling by bullet train.

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. My current house is more spacious than the old one.

My old house ______________________________

2. This train is more convenient than all the others. (most)

This train _________________________________

3. Playing sports is more time-saving than playing computer games.

Playing computer games _____________________

4. I have never eaten a more delicious food than this one. (most)

This food _________________________________

5. This year Peter invested a larger amount of money on his business than last year.

Last year _________________________________

6. We have never stayed at a worse hotel than this.

This _____________________________________

7. My kitchen is smaller than yours.

Your kitchent ______________________________

8. No one in the class is taller than Dave.

Dave is ___________________________________

9. Mum doesn’t speak English as well as Dad.

Dad _____________________________________

10. Lan is better cook than Hoa

Hoa can’t __________________________________

11. No restaurant in the city is better than that one

That restaurant is ____________________________

12. This watch is worse than that one

That watch _________________________________

Xem đáp án

1. My old house is smaller than the current one.

2. This train is the most convenient.

3. Playing computer games is more time-consuming than playing sports.

4. This food is the most delicious I have ever eaten

5. Last year Peter invested a small amount of money on his business than this year.

6. This is the worst hotel that we’ve ever stayed at.

7. Your kitchen is bigger than mine

8. Dave is the tallest in the class

9. Dad speakes English better than Mum

10. Hoa can’t cook as well as Lan

11. That restaurant is the best in this city

12. That watch is better than this one

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answers

1. Tim’s grades are _____________ than John.

A. worse

B. worst

C. as bad

D. so bad

2. Everyone looks much _____________ today than they did yesterday.

A. happy

B. happily

C. more happily

D. happier

3. Dianna is the _____________ of the three sisters.

A. more short

B. shorter

C. shortest

D. more short

4. The Boeing 747 is twice _______________ the Boeing 707.

A. bigger than

B. as bigger as

C. as big as

D. too big than

5. Mr. Brown recieves a _____________ salary than anyone else in the company.

A. big

B. more bigger

C. bigger

D. the bigger

Xem đáp án

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. C

Exercise 5: Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives

1. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) ______________ than ever before.

2. Ha Noi is much (populous) ______________ than my hometown.

3. The city center is (densely) _____________popolated than the suburbs.

4. You can count on Peter. He is ( reliable) _________________ than he appears to be.

5. This singer performs (well) ___________ than she used to be three years ago.

6. This year we travel (far) ______________ than we did last year.

7. I notice that today my daughter looked (happy) ___________ than usual.

8. As people gets old, they try to maitain a ( healthy) _______________ lifestyle than when they are young.

9. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ____________ than travelling by bullet train.

10. Jim didn’t feel well today, so he performed (badly) _______________ than usual.

Xem đáp án

1. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) ______faster________ than ever before.

2. Ha Noi is much (populous) _______more populous_______ than my hometown.

3. The city center is (densely) ______more densely_______popolated than the suburbs.

4. You can count on Peter. He is ( reliable) ________more relliable_________ than he appears to be.

5. This singer performs (well) _____better______ than she used to be three years ago.

6. This year we travel (far) ______further________ than we did last year.

7. I notice that today my daughter looked (happy) ___happier________ than usual.

8. As people gets old, they try to maitain a ( healthy) _____healthier__________ lifestyle than when they are young.

9. Travelling by bus is much (slow) ______slower______ than travelling by bullet train.

10. Jim didn’t feel well today, so he performed (badly) ________worse_______ than usual.

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