Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo bộ sưu tập Từ vựng Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 13 The 22nd Sea Games trên TaiLieuViet.vn. Các tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập này sẽ giúp các em học sinh nắm được nghĩa của các từ vựng trong Unit 13 tiếng Anh 12. Qua đó, học sinh có thể tự ôn tập và củng cố vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh đã được học trong chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 12. Mời quý thầy cô giáo và các em học sinh tham khảo nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học môn Tiếng Anh.

A. Vocabulary – Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 13 The 22nd Sea Games

– take place: diễn ra

– Sea Games = Southeast Asian Games: Thế Vận Hội Đông Nam Á

– hold – held – held – be held: tổ chức

– host (n, v): nước chủ nhà

– spirit (n): tinh thần

– enthusiast /inj‘θju:æst/ (n): người say mê

– enthusiasm (n): sự hăng hái, nhiệt tình

– enthusiastic (a): hăng hái, nhiệt tình

– solidarity (n): sự đoàn kết sự hợp tác

– co-operation (n): hợp tác

– co-operate (v): hợp tác

– co-operative (a)

– athlete (n): vận động viên

– participating country: nước tham gia thi đấu

– compete (v): tranh tài

– competitor (n): người tranh tài

– compose of = consist of: bao gồm

– close to: gần

– standing (n): vị trí, thứ hạng

– rank (v): xếp hạng

– rank (n): vị trí, thứ hạng

– participant (n): người tham gia

– present (v): trao tặng

– outstanding (a) = excellent (a): xuất sắc

– event (n): sự kiện

– defend (v): bảo vệ

– defense/ defence (n): sự bảo vệ

– title (n) danh hiệu

– bodybuilding (n) thể dục thể hình

– energy (n) năng lượng, nghị lực

– energetic (a) đầy sinh lực

– prepare for chuẩn bị

– carry out thực hiện

– countryman – countrymen (n) đồng bào

– propose (v) + suggest (v) đề nghị

– proposal (n) = suggestion (n) lời đề nghị

– athletics (n) môn điền kinh

– cycling (n) chạy xe đạp

– odd (a) = strange (a) kì quặc

– tempting (a) cám dỗ

– deal (n) sự thỏa thuận

– clear (v) nhảy qua

– jobless (a) = unemployed (a) thất nghiệp

– attitude (n) thái độ

– score a goal ghi bàn

– defender (n) hậu vệ

– midfielder (n) trung vệ

– attacker (n) = ‘forward/ striker tiền đạo

B. Grammar – Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 13 The 22nd Sea Games

1. The simple past tense: Thì quá khứ đơn

(+): S + V2/ -ed + O

(-): S + didn’t + V1 + O

(?): Did + S + V1 + O?

Ex: Vietnam won 158 gold medals.

2. The + tính từ chỉ quốc tịch

– Vietnam – the Vietnamese

– Thailand – the Thai

– Indonesia – the Indonesian

– Malaysia – the Malaysian

– Philippines – the Filipino/ the Philippine

3. Wish clause: Mệnh đề mong ước

– Hiện tại: S + wish(es) + V2/-ed

– Quá khứ: S + wish(es) + had + V3/-ed

– Tương lai: S + wish(es) + would + V1

4. So sánh kép – Double comparison

A. Để diễn tả sự thay đổi theo thời gian của sự kiện, chúng ta dùng so sánh kép (double comparative / comparison).

4. 1. Tăng dần (Gradual increae)

S + V + comparative and comparative

a. Tính từ/Trạng từ ngắn (Short adjectives / adverbs).

S + V + adj/ ad+ER + and + adj/adv. ER.

e.g.: The prices of goods get higher and higher.

(Giá hàng hóa càng ngày càng cao.)

b. Tính từ / Trạng từ dài (Long adjectives / adverbs)

S + V + more and more + adj/ adv.

e.g.: The exercises get more and more difficult.

(Bài tập (càng) ngày càng khó hơn.)

4.2. Giảm dần (Gradual decrease)

S + V + less and less + adj/ adv

e.g.: He seems to get less und less attentive.

(Anh ấy dường như ngày càng ít chăm chỉ hơn.)

The polar climate gets less and less cold.

(Khí hậu địa cực ngày càng ít lạnh hơn.)

B. Để diễn tả mối tương quan nguyên nhân – hậu quả của sự biến đổi của hai sự kiện chúng ta dùng:

Comparative + S + V, comparative + S+ V.

1. Tăng dần (Gradual increase)

a. Tính từ/Trạng từ (With adjectives / Adverbs)

a1. Tính từ / Trạng từ ngắn (Short adjectives /adverbs)

The + adj / adv + HR + S + V…..

e.g.: The stronger the wind is, the higher the waves get.

(Gió càng mạnh, sóng càng cao.)
The harder he studies, the better he gets.

(Học càng chăm, anh ấy càng giỏi hơn.)

a2. Tính từ/Trạng từ dài (Long adjs/advs)

The more + adj. / adv. + S + V

e.g.: The more comfonable the hold is, the more expensive the rents are. (Khách sạn càng tiện nghi, giá thuê càng đắt.)

b. Danh từ (With nouns)

The more + noun + S + V.

e.g.: The more books you read, the more knowledge you can get.

(Càng đọc nhiều sách, bạn càng có nhiều kiến thức.)

c. Động từ (With verbs)

e.g.: The more he earns, the more he wants.

(Càng kiếm được nhiều (tiền), anh ấy càng muốn hơn.)

2. Giảm dần (Gradual decrease)

Để diễn tả sự giảm dần, chúng ta chỉ cần thêm “THE LESS” trước tính từ, trạng từ, danh từ hoặc động từ.

e.g.: The less attentive he is, the less he understands the lessons.

(Càng ít chăm chỉ, anh ấy càng ít hiểu bài.)

The less carefully he drives, the fewer passengers he gets.

(Càng lái xe ít cẩn thận, anh ấy càng có ít hành khách.)

C. Dạng tỉnh lược (Some elliptical forms)

The comparative, the better.

e.g.: The mure, the better. (Càng nhiều càng tốt.).

The faster, the better. (Càng nhanh càng tốt.)

The comparative, the merrier.

e.g.: The more crowded, the merrier. (Càng đông càng vui.)

C. Bài tập tiếng Anh Unit 13 lớp 12 The 22nd Sea Games có đáp án

I. Pronunciation: Linking

1. a. trained

b. proved

c. impressed

d. performed

2. a. games

b. teams

c. medals

d. events

3. a. competitor

b. medal

c. level

d. development

4. a. honor

b. high

c. host

d. hold

5. a. development

b. cooperation

c. surprisingly

d. facility

6. a. festival

b. badminton

c. participant

d. organize

Đáp án: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – d; 4 – a; 5 – b; 6 – c;

II. Choose the correct answer. 

1. Johnny used to be one of the most _________ athletes in my country.

a. succeed

b. success

c. successful

d. successfully

2. The 22nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven ________ countries.

a. participate

b. participant

c. participation

d. participating

3. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place.

a. organized

b. impressed

c. participated

d. defended

4. How many ___________ took part in the 22nd SEA Games?

a. compete

b. competitors

c. competition

d. competitor

5. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good ___________ in every aspect.

a. prepare

b. preparation

c. preparative

d. preparer

6. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _________ volunteers.

a. support

b. supporter

c. supportive

d. supportively

7. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _____________.

a. more and more good

b. better and better

c. the more and more good

d. gooder and gooder

8. The Sears Tower is _________ building in Chicago.

a. taller

b. the more tall

c. the tallest

d. taller and taller

9. Peter is ____________________ John.

a. younger and more intelligent than

b. more young and intelligent than

c. more intelligent and younger than

d. the more intelligent and younger than

10. As she did so, her parents became ___________ .

a. the angriest

b. the most angry

c. the more angry

d. angrier and angrier

11. People should eat ___________ and do _________ to reduce the risk of heart disease.

a. less fat/ more exercise

b. less and less fat/ the more exercise

c. the less fat/ the more exercise

d. fatter/ more exercise

12. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. ____________ the food is, _________ he likes it.

a. The hotter/ the more and more

b. The hotter/ the more

c. The more and more hot/ the more

d. The hottest/ the most

13._______  live in Ho Chi Minh City than in the whole of the rest of the country.

a. As much as people

b. More people

c. As many as people

d. People more

14. It gets __________ to understand what the professor has explained.

a. the more difficult

b. more difficult than

c. difficult more and more

d. more and more difficult

15. We _________ touch since we ____________ school three years ago.

a. lost/ have left

b. have lost/ leave

c. have lost/ left

d. were losing/ had left

16. What __________ when the fire alarm ________ off?

a. are you doing/ will go

b. have you done/ would go

c. were you doing/ went

d. will you do/ are going

17. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don’t remember…………… them there.

a. putting

b. to put

c. I put

d. put

18. I’d like……………….. somewhere different for a change.

a. to go

b. going

c. go

d. to have gone

19. He agreed……………..the job as soon as possible.

a. start

b. starting

c. to start

d. to be started

20. Look at those windows! They really need……………….

a. to clean

b. cleaning

c. to be cleaned

d. b and c are correct

Đáp án

1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – b;

6 – c; 7 – b; 8 – c; 9 – a; 10 – d;

11 – a; 12 – b; 13 – b; 14 – b; 15 – d;

16 – c; 17 – a; 18 – a; 19 – c; 20 – d;

III. Choose the best answers

1. I wish I —————– a car. It would make life so much easier.

A. have

B. would have

C. had

D. had had

2. She wishes she —————- the most famous person in the world.

A. had been

B. will be

C. was

D. were

3. I was late for work this morning. I wish I —————– late.

A. had been

B. were

C. hadn’t been

D. weren’t

4. I can’t speak Chinese. I wish I —————- speak Chinese.

A. can

B. could

C. were

D. was

5. I regretted not telling him what happened last night. I wish I ——————— him.

A. would tell

B. told

C. had told

D. hadn’t told

Đáp án: 1 – C; 2 – D; 3 – C; 4 – B; 5 – C;

IV. Choose the best answers

1. I have not seen her for 2 months.

A. It’s 2 months since I last saw her

B. It’s two months after I last saw her.

C. I haven’t seen her since 2 months ago

D. I didn’t see her for 2 months.

2. The train had already left before I got to the station.

A. When I got to the station, the train had already left.

B. When I get to the station, the train has already left.

C. The train left after I had got to the station.

D. The train already left when I was getting to the station.

3. The last time I saw this film was three years ago.

A. I haven’t seen this film for three years ago.

B. I haven’t seen this film since three years.

C. I didn’t see this film for three years.

D. I haven’t seen this film for three years.

4. Lan doesn’t have enough time to make her wedding cake.

A. If Lan had more time, she would make her wedding cake.

B. If Lan had more time, she would have made her wedding cake.

C. Lan will make her wedding cake if she has more time.

D. Lan will make her wedding cake unless she has more time.

5. This is the first time they have been to England.

A. They have never been to England before.

B. They went to England once.

C. They haven’t been to England so far.

D. They have been to England many times.

Đáp án: 1 – A; 2 – A; 3 – D; 4 – A; 5 – C;

V. Choose the word / phrase that best fits each blank.

1. Every computer consists of a number of systems ________together.

A. by working B. work C. they work D. that work

2. Not only ________places of beauty, they serve scientific and educational purposes as well.

A. are botanical gardens B. botanical gardens to be

C. botanical gardens are D. to be botanical gardens

3. ________cheese is essentially a concentrated form of milk; it contains the same nutrients as milk.

A. Although B. Because C. However D. Besides

4. The crowd are becoming __________excited.

A. less and least B. less and most C. more and more D. more and most

5. Bricks ________ from many different types of clay.

A. were making B. can be made C. are to make D. can make

6. Water polo is a game ________ is played in the water by two teams, each with seven players.

A. in which B. who C. which D. why

7. To be effective, an advertisement must fist attract ________ attention.

A. a B. an C. the D. ø

Đáp án

1 – D; 2 – A; 3 – B; 4 – C; 5 – B; 6 – C; 7 – D;

VI. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer.

1. In 1941, the AAU officially accepted synchronized swimming as a ………… sport for team events.

A. competition B. competitive C. competent D. competitively

2. Sports enthusiasts from other countries were greatly ……………. with the spirits of the 22nd SEA GAMES held in Vietnam.

A. impressed B. enjoyed C. achieved D. applauded

3. Modern technology used in the 22nd SEA GAMES helped increase the ……………. of the results of the competitions.

A. correction B. precision C. right D. unity

4. The 22nd SEA GAMES were ………….. prepared and …………… organized in Vietnam.

A. good/ successful B. well/ successful C. good/ successfully D. well/ successfully

5. Thanks to the …………. talent and determination, the Vietnamese women’ s football team won the final match.

A. suitable B. supportive C. adventurous D. overwhelming

Đáp án

1 – B; 2 – A; 3 – B; 4 – D; 5 – D;

Trên đây là Từ mới – Cấu trúc tiếng Anh Unit 13 lớp 12 The 22nd Sea Games đầy đủ nhất. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập Tiếng Anh 12 khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 12, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 12 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 12, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 12,… được cập nhật liên tục trên TaiLieuViet.vn.